Tag: economy

  • Surely nobody thought “Fiscal Union” was really a good idea?

    Far from being an Orwellian nightmare, I love the idea of greater fiscal and political union with our neighbours. Maybe it could even work… in 100-500 years? But right now, as long as different countries within Europe teach different versions of history, value different types of trade, have different climates that affect their vastly diverse […]

  • The Pluralist Paradox

    Deep down inside of me, there is a swing voter waiting to get out. A true British I-don’t-really-know-what-I-think voter, someone who could go both ways. Hell, I could go three or four ways. I know, dear imaginary reader, you are thinking, “but how can someone so … so – political – how can you not […]

  • Boom / bust

    I don’t have an issue getting my head around the fact that the global economy appears to be collapsing around us; it seems logical that the economy is choking in proportion to the product of the frequency of the boom-bust cycle and the extent to which the previous boom ‘boomed’. Visualise a graph of boom […]